(She said I made her look like
Madame Defarge)
The iced gold of an Alpine sunrise
muted by a million snowflakes.
The rosy gold spotlight of an exiting sun
highlighting the wall of the Dolomites.
A gilded morning cloud gliding
over the Northern Lakes.
The pale gold of a citrine sun rising
on a winter Lombardy plain.
The reflective gold in a Venetian canal
rippled by a lone gondolier.
The vineyard leaves of Tuscan gold
spun by the sun in autumn.
The copper gold of a setting sun
seen on a Florentine dome.
The pale primrose gold mist
of an Umbrian spring dawn.
The opaque amber golds
of an October in Latium.
Rome—colour washed on a May morning
by streams of dancing gold glitter.
Siena, surrounded by
the sunflower golds of summer.
The stifling gold of Solfatara’s
steaming entrance to Hades.
The molten gold of volcanic lava
that can erupt on Etna and Vesuvius.
The burnished Bay of Naples
bronzed by sunset gold.
The harsh Sicilian summer sun
that burns the landscape with southern gold.
The faded gold icons carried and
displayed in a religious parade.
The lemon and orange gold orchards—
a harvest treasure trove.
Renaissance artists who gave
a Golden Age to Italia.