Magnificent Magnetism

The study of galactic magnetism
has undergone an information explosion.
Intense magnetic fields shortly after the Big Bang
were amplified by the turbulence which sprang.

Galactic magnetic fields directed towards us in one situation
have been seen to give the appearance of anticlockwise rotation.
Conversely, those directed away from our vision
have a clockwise appearance in their position.

GMFs affect formations of galaxy spiral arms
and help star formations as part of their charms.
Magnetic fields are important in the ISM of galaxies,
that stands for the InterStellar Medium that one sees.

The magnetic fields are factors in the interstellar medium
helping to balance it against gravity’s attraction.
They may also assist galactic star formation
by removing from the cloud collapse angular momentum.

A field too strong may prevent star formation,
but origins are not always explained by observation.
What causes the mechanical energy for these fields?
Think beyond dynamos as energy yields.

The presence of galactic magnetism has a newer idea,
the revolution of charged gas around the galactic centre.
How this affects galaxy evolution
needs more research for a solution.

Research is ongoing in 2015.
In April, ALMA found a new scene.
Close to the event horizon of a supermassive black hole
was the appearance of magnetic fields playing the role.

There was another finding that will also confound
and defy an expectation that was bound;
that observations of the early universe, somehow
show magnetic fields that were stronger than now.

We currently have more universal information.
Thanks to discoveries from instrument observation.
A wonderful magnetic image of the Milky Way was seen
by the ESA Planck satellite in 2014.

The image of the magnetic field’s magnificence
also shows areas of churning turbulence.
The pictures thus given of eddies and swirls
show the galaxy is crowned with magnetic curls.

Those rippling galactic fabric formations
showing patterns of large curved striations.
Convoluted threads in a swirled magnetic dance.
Do those curves follow rules or play a game of chance?

If the fields affect gas flows in spiral arms, halos and bars,
this also ranges out to gas rotation in outer areas.
Because the Milky Way and Andromeda we know,
are both surrounded by a magnetic halo.

These two galactic halos might affect their course collision.
Could it be a case of short range attraction – long-range repulsion?
And the mass of the halo around the Milky Way
is almost equal to the mass of the whole galaxy!

These enormous gas halos extend a far distance
with reaching filaments in the galactic romance.
The threads may be unification tools;
they may already be mixing their molecules!